Our inspiration.
Taken in January 2016 while watching old Arabic plays as a family. Our jidu was a proud man and a proud Iraqi.
He treasured his memories of Iraq and was passionate about its rich history and it’s Babylonian origins. He loved the Middle East for all its beauty, its art, poetry, music, storytelling, and most importantly, its people. That love lives on at Beit Jidu’s. Beit Jidu’s is about creating a community that brings us closer to our middle eastern roots. It’s about reigniting the piece of our hearts that longs for a connection with our homes, regardless of how much time has passed since we have stood on its soil.
It’s where we all get to feel like home, have conversations beyond our living room & where we can celebrate everything it means to be Middle Eastern.
So grab a gahwa, or some chai, and come join us at Beit Jidu’s.
All the love, habeyab Jidu x